Baby Blessings is a "Remember" Support Ministry for families dealing with infertility, loss and difficult pregnancies.
We support families through a community of prayer, complimentary Gifts of Hope and Remembrance and clinic/family building scholarships.
The word remember is used 231 times in the Bible (NIV). Over and over the Bible tells us that God remembered His people and promises and that we should remember His faithfulness and covenant.
Through a complimentary Hope Gift of a beautiful handmade prayer square, baby item, or wooden cross, we help families like you remember that you are not alone and we are standing with you and praying for you. Gifts of Hope are perfect reminders of faith for rainbow babies, upcoming fertility treatments, difficult pregnancies and throughout your unique parenthood path. If you have an upcoming fertility treatment like IUI or IVF, we would love to give you a small handmade wooden cross to take with you to the procedure. This is the same type of cross that our co-founder Stephanie held onto during her initial fertility treatments to remind her of God's promises and that He was with her.​
Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. Psalm 119:49

Through a complimentary Remember Gift, we help you remember the life you created and your angel babies in heaven. We would love to give you a handmade baby item or prayer square to hold onto. Gifts of Remembrance are a perfect memorial for frozen eggs and embryos and pregnancy and infant loss at any age or phase.
He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD. Psalm 113:9
A big THANK YOU to our Hope Makers. Our Hope Makers are volunteers that prayerfully knit and crochet our beautiful handmade Gifts of Hope and Remembrance. Some of them are on their own difficult path to parenthood and are using their gifts to help bring hope to fellow TTC sisters. How beautiful is that?! If you can knit or crochet and would like to be a Hope Maker, we would love for you to join us!

Baby Blessings Ministry is founded by Stephanie O'Hara and Tiffany Jo Baker. God joined these two women after Stephanie experienced secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriages which led her to seek a surrogate to carry her children. Tiffany carried and delivered Stephanie's twins in September of 2015. Today, their families are forever connected. Our mission is to support women and couples spiritually, financially, and practically as they travel their unique parenthood path.
Stephanie O’Hara is an American Mom, Wife, Entrepreneur, Community Leader and Advocate for Women experiencing fertility challenges. Becoming a mother of three did not come easily to her. After having her first son, she experienced secondary infertility and seven miscarriages before having her miracle twins. On her six year journey, she learned to advocate for herself and recognize that her body needed the assistance of a gestational carrier. Her twins were appropriately born on Labor Day weekend and were carried by their angel, Tiffany. A friendship and bond was forever formed between not only Stephanie and Tiffany, but their entire families. Stephanie is currently writing a memoir about her infertility journey and has a support website at www.yourangelwings.net.

Tiffany Jo Baker is a mom who has birthed seven children, but only two of them were her own. This three-time Surrogate, Speaker and Strategizer is a Coach, Confidante and Cheerleader who helps women and couples like you who are in the fight for their dreams. If you or someone you love find themselves on a harder than expected path to parenthood, purposes, and promises, you can find tips, tools and timely words to help you navigate the road and relationships while birthing your dreams at www.tiffanyjobaker.com.
First, we appreciate your prayers for this ministry and the families we support. Nothing is more important while on the journey than the hope and peace that only comes from God.
Second, we are looking for handmade booties and beanies/caps to gift to our families. We would love for you to be a Hope Maker.
Third, monetary donations given to Baby Blessings Ministry help with postage, operations and family building scholarships. Our goal is to be able to provide families with scholarships who would otherwise not be able to grow their family due to the cost of fertility treatments, surrogacy and adoption.
Tips for Hope Makers:
Color-Gender neutral colors are preferred.
Sizes-Infant/preemie sized hats and booties are best. For prayer squares, we recommend 4 in x 4 in (but not a have-to)
Extras-We love when you add a special touch, but it isn't required! Feel free to add a raised cross to prayer squares or a design or embellishment to the baby hats.

Donations can be sent to:
Baby Blessings Ministry
P.O. Box 186
Little Elm, TX 75068
For more information, email: yourbabyblessings@gmail.com