The ups and downs
Being a surrogate is just like anything worthwhile in life…there are ups and there are downs. In the end, being able to be a part of a life-giving journey with a family makes it all worth while.
Too many times we stop short of the end prize…the goal, because things get too hard or we get too discouraged. But what if the next day, or the next time you try, you would receive your promise, your dream?
Throughout our 2 surrogate journeys we have had the pleasure of partnering with amazing families. Each has had their own journey to fulfilling their family dream. The first family was unable to have children due to the mom having cancer and a full hysterectomy. We dealt with a surrogate agency that ended up stealing from vulnerable families and a fertility Doctor that was medically negligent and quite possibly criminal. In the end, I carried twin boys for that family who are now just over 4 years old. The current family we are working with has dealt with 7 miscarriages and a previous surrogate that was unable to get pregnant. I am now 17 weeks pregnant with their twins.
There will be ups and downs in life. The downs make the ups so much sweeter. Don’t give up on the dream that God has given you. You may be in the painful stage, but joy will come.
John 16:21(NIV) “A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.”