10 Ways to Spend More Time Without A Screen In Your Face (Even if You Love Dog Videos)

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE seeing what my nieces and nephews are up to, the latest finds to flip at thrift stores on Reels and uplifting people’s soul and success with my posts and podcasts, YET being online is not all that God has for us in this life!
So much is happening (and should be happening) away from our phones, computers and TV!
While the internet makes it quicker to find a recipe or driving directions, it can also cost you valuable time. Checking social media for a few minutes easily stretches into a half hour of watching YouTube dog videos or scrolling through Instagram.
Imagine what you could accomplish by reclaiming all that time? Here are just a handful of benefits of spending more time offline:
Experience more happiness. Studies show that Facebook intensifies our natural tendencies to make social comparisons that leave us feeling like we’re missing out. When you focus on your own achievements and daily blessings (big and small), you’ll have less time to envy your friend’s exotic vacations, new car, or weight loss.
Boost your confidence. How much time do you spend retaking or editing your selfies? Learn to love the image you see in the mirror, even on bad hair days.
Strengthen your relationships. Research has also found that online contacts differ from real world communications. Face-to-face interactions create more intimacy and trust. Having a few people who are willing to help you move into your new place beats having a thousand Instagram friends you may barely know.
Get better rest. Brightly lit screens and information overload are causing widespread sleep deprivation. Enhance the quality of your zzz's by turning off your devices and focusing on truly resting.
Become more productive. Reduce the distractions in your life. Clean out your garage instead of reading about the latest scandal or newest reality TV show.
Are you ready to sleep better, feel better, and connect with others in real life better? With just a tweak or two, you can remove the screens from your face. Here’s how to spend more time offline:
1. Set a curfew. Start by shutting off electronics at least 1 hour before bed. You’ll fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more refreshed.
2. Enlist support. Let your family, friends, and coworkers know you’ll be online less.
3. Serve as a role model for your kids. Encourage your children to use technology more constructively. They’ll learn from your example. Wait until dinner is over to check what the "chime" on your phone was. Stay off the phone while you’re driving.
4. Ban the worst offender sites. Are there a few sites that eat up most of your time? Maybe you need to suspend your YouTube account, deactivate your Facebook page, or reduce your addiction to Pinterest.
5. Time yourself. Decide in advance how long you’ll spend at the computer and stick to that schedule. Set a timer and move on to the next thing when your time is up.
6. Schedule weekly dates. Fill your free time with regular appointments for getting together with friends and family. Host a Friday lunch date, a Saturday morning coffee connect, or a Sunday evening family movie time.
7. Switch to phone calls and visits. Pick up the phone instead of sending a text. Schedule the trip you have been too busy to plan.
8. Go outside. Outdoor activities will help you forget about your smartphone for a while. Take your children for a hike at the nearest park. Take in the scenery without taking a picture.
9. Exercise regularly. Exercise can take your mind off technology. Take a walk or take a weekly spin or dance class.
10. Reward yourself. Reinforce your new habits by congratulating yourself on your progress. Buy a new pair of sneakers for those walks or cook your favorite meal (and don't forget the dessert).
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but what we do with each of the 1440 minutes is what matters and makes a difference. Even making a change five minutes a day gives you two and half hours a month to meet a friend, take a hike, or create a new family memory.
Want a free download to help you be more intentional to love your life and leave a legacy? Print this freebie, then write out, schedule and check off the top 10 things you want to do before heaven!
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