The Little Thing that Overcomes Procrastination and Overwhelm Every Day
Ugh. I kept putting it off until I HAD to do it every week. It’s not even something that I don’t enjoy doing, it’s just that it can be difficult because it requires my full focus and has many parts to it.
Although I’m not normally a procrastinator and usually like to tackle things head on, I found myself dreading having to do the behind the scenes work necessary to get my podcast episodes ready for release after recording… Until I decided to try something different.
It wasn’t rocket science or even a new skill, it’s actually something that I do with most things in my life, but for whatever reason I had never done it with my podcast episodes editing and release…
Until one Friday afternoon while prepping my work schedule for the next week I decided to break up the tasks into daily 15-20 minute chunks for throughout the next work week.
Can I tell you how much this changed the game for me? I came into each task refreshed and ready to go. We can do almost anything for 15 minutes, right?! This gave me bite-sized manageable pieces that could be done in a small pocket of time without needing a large section of a cleared calendar and lots of energy to complete it. I also found that I was able to do the tasks quicker by spreading it out. What used to take me about 90 minutes to two hours, was now able to be done without distractions in about four to five focused 15-20 minute sessions.
What about you? Do you ever procrastinate? Would you like to put a stop to this time-wasting habit? You can make progress today by breaking your to-do list into mini-tasks and finally find victory over that one or two things that you find yourself putting on a back-burner on a regular basis!
If the thought of completing tasks for a project fills you with dread, break down your process into smaller tasks, called mini-tasks, to help you feel less overwhelmed.
Here’s how it works: A mini-task is a task that is so small you couldn't make it any smaller without being silly about it. Calling the doctor to make an appointment or sending an email to ask a specific question would be a good example of a mini-task. In general, mini-tasks take 15 minutes or less to accomplish.
This time and project management technique addresses one of the most common causes of procrastination on larger projects: uncertainty about where to get started. For example, starting a business, ministry or the book you’ve always wanted to write happens through a sequence of tasks, yet many people have a difficult time even getting started on such a seemingly overwhelming project.
Start by outlining or planning what you can of the entire process of your project from beginning to end. Although there may be unknowns do what you can, then develop a task list of mini tasks for each step for as far as you're able to see. The beauty of this is you can adjust and update as you go and as you know.
Let's use getting my new podcast episodes ready to release as an example. Here’s a sample of what my mini-task list might look like:
1. Upload edited episode to podcast app and YouTube.
2. Create cover graphics for episode (2 sizes).
3. Write episode description.
4. Write episode description.
5. Pull quotes and create quote graphics.
6. Create episode email.
7. Finalize podcast app and YouTube entries with description.
8. Send information and graphics to guest (if applicable)
9. Once episode is LIVE, add YouTube video to website.
10. Post on IG and FB about episode.
Note: Since writing the episode description takes longer than 15 minutes, I gave it spots #3 and #4.
By breaking down a project and creating a list of mini-tasks, you will:
Create a list of doable and manageable steps
Know exactly what you need to do next
Have an excellent idea of how long a task/project will take
Give you and effective way to plan your day
Give it a try. Choose a project or item of procrastination. Create a list of mini-tasks needed. Schedule your week with the next items on your list. Check them off one by one. Get energized and feel good about moving the project forward step-by-step
Try mini-tasking instead of multi-tasking and watch your God-given dreams become a reality.
I’m cheering you on!
Here’s to less multi-tasking and more mini-tasking,